You found the spot! Yes, the Seaside Inn is the ONLY hotel on sandy Gooch’s Beach, with private access to our beach and FREE PARKING, so it doesn’t get better than that! Truly, we recommend you enjoy it for all its worth and spend your entire stay here on the beach.
That said, we understand your curiosity and desire to see all the beaches we have! They are all unique in their features, so we made this cheat sheet for you:

“Our beach,” Gooch’s Beach is a long, wide sandy beach, perfect for sunning, swimming, surfing, walking and more. There are lifeguards and porta-potties in season, plus there is a paved, level sidewalk the length of the beach. Parking permits are $25 daily and $100 weekly, available at three kiosks, via PassPortParking mobile app, and at the Kennebunk Town Hall.
Middle Beach is the rocky stretch between Mother’s Beach and Gooch’s Beach. It’s the last to fill up on a hot summer day, but it has its appeal too. Just bring a chair and make yourself comfortable on the rocks. Or take a walk and look for sea glass and find yourself a heart-rock. They’re there if you look!
Mother’s Beach (on Beach Avenue, Kennebunk) is a small area popular with families becasue of its small size, tide pools and the KBIA playground open to the public. Lifeguards and porta-potties are there seasonally. Parking permits are $25 daily and $100 weekly, available at three kiosks, via PassPortParking mobile app, and at the Kennebunk Town Hall.

Parson’s Beach (off Route 9 in Kennebunk) is a private beach open to the public. It features a picturesque half-mile stretch of sand renown for its pristine sand and natural flora where the Mousam River meets the sea. It has extremely limited parking, requiring the same Kennebunk parking passes as the other beaches.
Colony Beach (off Ocean Avenue in Kennebunkport) is a small, protected stretch of sand with the long rock jetty offering a great vantage of the ocean, especially popular for fishing and exploring. No parking permit required.
Three miles long, Goose Rocks Beach (off King’s Highway/Route 9 in Kennebunkport) is wide, smooth, sandy and offers wonderful views of Timber Island, just off the coast. Parking permits are required ($25/$100/$200; note that Kennebunk permits cannot be used here) and are available at the Goose Rocks General Store or via the ticket kiosk at the corner of Proctor and King’s Highway.

Beach wheelchairs and floats are available for rent for a small fee in Kennebunk and Kennebunkport. To rent one, contact Kennebunk Recreation (207) 604-1335 or Kennebunkport Parks & Recreation (207) 967-4304.
Mother’s Beach in Kennebunk has an ADA-compliant Mobi-Mat. The woven polyester mat helps those with mobility concerns access the beach more easily.
Maine beaches, from Kittery to Old Orchard Beach, courtesy of Maine Beaches Association